Events & Courses

Event dates 2025/2026 to be confirmed

Anna Frances Crowley has studied and taught traditional Kabbalah and Initiatic Science for over fifty years. Her ability to convey and explain ancient wisdom is exceptional.


Retreats and courses are for small, select groups. This is in order to ensure the best possible personal experience. Retreats are held in the wild, romantic countryside, in the heart of Cathar country, the Occitanie. You may also visit little known Cathar, Kabbalah and Templar sites.


Anna Frances Crowley began studying traditional Kabbalah and the Etz Chaim,the Hebrew Tree of Life symbol, over fifty years ago,at the unusually young age of eleven years old.

Anna has lived and practised Kabbalah as a way of life ever since.


She has taught traditional Kabbalah to over eight hundred people. In addition Anna has held formal Kabbalah meditation classes for more than two hundred pupils,, which is a very different technique to many well known meditation practices, and requires a more refined discipline. At least another two hundred people have benefitted from one to one private consultations.


Anna’s experience as a teacher of ancient wisdom has spanned over fifty years.

Some time ago Anna stopped giving courses, other than to small select groups, as she moved further into the field of deciphering little known esoteric symbols and codes; she has subsequently worked for Historical research Associations in the Occitanie South France.


Anna has spent twenty years working in little known and obscure Knights Templar buildings, rare Kabbalah sites, which were lived and worked in by medieval Jewish sages and long lost Cathar bastions. Her accumulated knowledge of esoteric medieval thought, particularly her lifetime devoted to living within Kabbalah, has led to her unravelling many clues and codes which have otherwise been left unsolved.


Anna is the author of four books, which were written in order to store her wisdom and to provide templates for her students to follow.

AF Crowley author
AF Crowley
Chateau Lastours AF Crowley

Reviews by Anna's students

“I was taught by Anna for several years when she lived in Cornwall. Her knowledge is extensive and she has a wonderful teaching style. I always thought that Anna was very careful in the level of knowledge she imparted to us, which I think is the sign of a great teacher, although she always encouraged growth. I would highly recommend her as a teacher and if you are lucky enough to be on a voyage of discovery with her, enjoy it.
The lessons that you learn will be with you for a lifetime (and maybe more!).” – Steve Hill

“Thank you for the wonderful healing which you gave to me weekly which enabled me to overcome twenty years of agoraphobia to visit my father who lived over 140 miles from my home and was dying of cancer. Thank you for healing me when I had three major heart attacks and a stroke. I especially wish to thank you for the discreet healing you gave whilst I was in hospital which speeded my recovery so much so the doctors were amazed. Thank you for helping me grow spiritually. Thank you for teaching me how to work with Aliester Crowley’s  tarot cards which continue to help me and to help the people I do readings for.”

Janice Warwick

“Life is full of people, thousands of faces and many places, but on my journey I can recount the moments and people that changed me and the course of my journey here, these profound moments are few and far between.
I remember the day quite clearly, as I stood before the door, I questioned myself and only the heavens knew why I was there. I had an appointment with Anna Crowley. I still think about this moment, shaking hands and sitting down, sun streaming through the window, even if I could remember the meeting word for word, it would not count as much on how I felt after left. The most significant was that Anna had an extraordinary ability and seemed to have found the key to unlock a door within me I had certainly lost, shut and forgotten, and that was over 20 years ago. 


Anna extended this hand inviting me to attend some meditation classes. We weretaught basic breathing and relaxation techniques, how colour affects you and the meditations were diverse in aspects on each occasion.  Anna was exceptional at pinpointing individual needs and gave tips to improve our meditation skills within the group. The discussion group after the meditation was just as illuminating as the meditation itself, with each one of us able to share how we felt or what we saw, the interpretation and hearing others talk was calming, beautiful and uplifting too.


These meditation classes led to me having further lessons with Anna. The meditation stood side by side to these lessons, each week we would focus on an angel or part of the tree of life, lots of encouragement and direction was given to open yourself and these pathways. Reading and self-study were essential, but Anna always was on hand to give a nudge or advice or even reading material. I also had the wonderful opportunity
of learning many healing techniques. In all of these, you were guided to use your own intuition which gave me the confidence to trust my inner being and was truly a gigantic step for me. There were many other subjects we covered but Anna inspired me with a newfound purpose and empowered me, immeasurably.


Anna is an extremely generous teacher with not only her time, but also the resources she so freely gives all her students. Anna also opened her home for lessons and meditations. Anna not only opened one door that day, she opened many doors for me and truly changed my life and the way I live it. Her lessons and knowledge inspired me to continue meditating and stay on a spiritual path. Anna gave me more than knowledge; she gave me courage to live my best life.

Gratefully, Lindsay Hackett

“I have known Anna for a long time – about 20 years. I was first introduced to her by a very good friend of mine who recommended I speak to her as I was very interested in esoteric teachings. As soon as I met Anna, I knew she was full of knowledge and wisdom in this field and she also knew many people who could have helped me even further, but I was happy to learn from Anna only. I started my lessons and we also did meditations together. This was an amazing experience which I found very deep and interesting. Some of the experiences that happened during meditations were literally out of this world. After many years, I have started my lessons again more or less where we left off, but this time on Skype which works really well and I feel like we are in the same room together. This time I know much more and Anna has certainly learned more so it is absolutely intriguing.


If you want to learn more spiritually, I doubt there are many people better to learn with. It’s also worth noting this is something you can study deeply for many years so don’t expect to know it all after a short period. It’s something to nurture and grow with.


Anna is very unique, honest, caring and a beautiful lady so I hope this gives an insight into her and her teachings.” – Mark Dean