A.F. Crowley

The Holy Grail Found

New book by A.F. Crowley – “Hidden in plain sight – The Holy Grail”

Why have the so called “secrets” made famous by books such as The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail and films such as Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code evaded us for so long? The reason is simple, because the Holy Grail is not and never has been, either a Chalice, or the so called “Bloodline” of Jesus.


Twenty years of work, patiently carried out, quietly behind the scenes, have finally led to the unravelling of the codes hidden within a remote hill top village in Southern France, at last revealing the truth. The truth is far more astonishing than the concocted Mary Magdalene myth and even more intriguing than a holy chalice, said to have been used at the Last Supper by Jesus and the disciples.

The story which unravelled the truth of the Holy Grail and revealed the real meaning of the famous codes in Rennes le Chateau, spanned many years. The researcher, who has spent more than fifty years studying and experiencing the vast wisdom of ancient traditional mysticism and its rich symbolism, had no intention of embarking upon this research; in fact, quite the opposite.


During twenty years of working in French archaeological research associations, the researcher was asked to visit a strange and largely unknown tower, built by the Knights Templar. This tower was a curiosity, as it is covered with many strange engravings.


In a new book, “Hidden in Plain Sight”, the astonishing secret wisdom of the Holy Grail is revealed. The book is a first- hand account , not only of the journey which led to its discovery, but also many other extraordinary missing pieces of evidence. It is also a personal testimonial to a real, physical experience of the power of the Holy Grail.


Secrets concealed within the eyes and the background of the famous Mona Lisa by Leonardo de Vinci are also hidden clues to the secret of the Holy Grail. But the trail is even more fascinating; it leads us way back into the distant past and explains how ancient sites such as Stonehenge were used and why they were created. Even more astonishing, is that the rituals for which it was intended can be re -created today.

A.F Crowley’s book  “Hidden in plain sight – The Holy Grail” is due to be published soon along with a TV documentary.

The Birth of God

” Truly an extraordinary masterpiece. “

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AF Crowley The Birth of God

About A.F. Crowley

Anna Frances Crowley

Anna Frances Crowley began studying the sacred symbol of the Tree of Life at the unusually young age of eleven years old.

Her life has been a quest to understand, and explain, the entire process of creation. The quest has been a strange and often hazardous journey, pitted against seemingly overwhelming odds. This journey led, not only to understanding the hidden mathematical keys of creation within the sacred symbol of the Tree of Life, but also to discovering the true Holy Grail, what it is and where it has lain hidden for hundreds of years, in a remote and little known tower, in the South of France.


Anna Crowley has studied and taught traditional Kabbalah for over fifty years. She has been privileged to have worked as the directrice for Archaeological Associations in the Occitanie, Southern France for twenty years, having been given access to many obscure and little known Jewish and Templar ancient sites. Her knowledge of esoteric symbols and codes led her to decipher many misunderstood clues concealed in ancient buildings, paintings and works of art.


This is a never ending and constantly unfolding story.