A.F. Crowley Books

Hidden in plain sight - The Holy Grail
Due to be published soon along with a TV documentary.
This is the story of the discovery of the Holy Grail, what it is and where it has lain undisturbed for centuries. The Holy Grail is not a chalice, or a golden platter, nor is it the secret bloodline of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, as so many modern- day myths would have us believe.
The truth of the Holy Grail is far more shocking and profound, it unlocks the secrets of many ancient sites such as Stonehenge; and is the arcane ritual sought out by the Nazis.

The Birth of God
What existed before creation?
What existed before G-d?
This is not a question of faith or unfounded belief. This not a question of religious doctrine or even the limited view of modern science, which is only just beginning to stumble tentatively into the world of creation.
True science does not say “It does not exist”, true science says “I, with my limited means, cannot prove it to be so, yet”. True science is a never ending journey of discovery.
” Truly an extraordinary masterpiece. “
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Book of Discovery series #1
My Book of Creation
90 Daily, step by step lessons, using ancient wisdom to transform your life. Compiled by a teacher and practitioner of traditional ancient wisdom, who has devoted over forty-five years to perfecting these lessons.
” Life changing. “
IMPORTANT NOTE : All links are to the Amazon website in the UK please select your country’s Amazon website to get your book delivered easily.

Book of Discovery series #2
My book of Revelation
Part 2 of daily, step by step lessons, using ancient wisdom to transform your life. Compiled by a teacher and practitioner of traditional ancient wisdom, who has devoted over forty-five years to perfecting these lessons.
IMPORTANT NOTE : All links are to the Amazon website in the UK please select your country’s Amazon website to get your book delivered easily.

Book of Discovery series #3
My book of Miracles and Magic
Part 3 of daily, step by step lessons, using ancient wisdom to transform your life. Compiled by a teacher and practitioner of traditional ancient wisdom, who has devoted over forty-five years to perfecting these lessons.
IMPORTANT NOTE : All links are to the Amazon website in the UK please select your country’s Amazon website to get your book delivered easily.
Singe16 February 2023 The Treasury of Ancient Wisdom - Book of Discovery series - number 1: My Book of Creation: The best book I’ve ever read. Transforming my life even more than I could have imagined and with so much ease. I am only a third of the way through but didn’t want to delay with my review. This book of daily lessons and techniques is advised by the author to be read one lesson a day which allows proper time for practice and reflection.If you’re on the right track you may well already be practicing much of the contents as it feels right, and the book will illustrate how everything knits together and the importance of what you do, say, think and feel. Amazon Customer27 October 2022 The Treasury of Ancient Wisdom - Book of Discovery series - number 1: My Book of Creation: Valuable book A great and simple book, it teaches one to appreciate the moment and also helps one to connect with their higher self. The book contains simple lessons which are intended for daily practice. Heidi Haines14 April 2021 The Treasury of Ancient Wisdom - Book of Discovery series - number 1: My Book of Creation: Life changing A handbook that should always be with you. To fully appreciate the knowledge in this book you should continue reviewing the steps until it becomes second nature. This book will truly be life changing. It has changed my life and I know will continue to do so. Read and what your life transform. Find the best version of yourself as only you know how. m dean13 March 2021 The Treasury of Ancient Wisdom - Book of Discovery series - number 1: My Book of Creation: A wonderful book filled with beautiful thoughts and Wisdom to inspire you daily This is a wonderful book filled with beautiful thoughts and wisdom to inspire you daily. Each day you are given an insight into what it is to live a happy and magical life. This is a book I'm sure I will pick up and read again and again. Tiberius27 January 2021 The Treasury of Ancient Wisdom - Book of Discovery series - number 1: My Book of Creation: Wonderful Book, packed full of valuable knowledge Such a well devised book. Incredibly helpful techniques that anyone can use to improve their quality of life. Would recommend to anyone and of all ages.Can wait to read the second one!Thank you. Harry Mold21 September 2020 The Treasury of Ancient Wisdom - Book of Discovery series - number 1: My Book of Creation: Rich, profound and accessible knowledge. I think the way the lessons in this book have been put across is really amazing, because the knowledge has a lot of depth but it’s still massively accessible/understandable Barnaby Flynn3 June 2020 The Birth of God: The cover is starkly beautiful. The contents is, well, everything, poetically condensed. I doubt there are many books of a spiritual or religious nature that go beyond mere faith in attempting to explain what exactly, God, spirit or soul is, especially the how and the why it all exists in the first place. And that is precisely what this book does. Atheists can at last have something beyond mere faith to grapple with. I personally find richness through entertaining many perspectives as though they are true. The perspective presented here is truly beautiful. Its practice reveals more than I ever thought possible.This book, set out in a poetic style, but without rhyming, is a distillation of the Kabbalistic Initiatic Tradition, the tradition which underpins monotheistic thought in the west (which tragically ended up becoming more about consolidating power than sharing it because power, according to the powerful is clutchingly misconstrued as finite). It seeks to explain through “pure logic” how the universe and consciousness came into being and why “it is good”.The author takes the reader on a journey from before existence to the underlying cause of existence. She proceeds through each notional quality (Sephira) preceding and seeding all existence being birthed and continually birthed in every moment via each Sephira contained within the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The author relates this wisdom to our daily lives, society and society’s recurring themes. It is methodical, adding layers of repetition seemingly to earth the teaching within the reader and to deepen the experience each time.I recommend reading this book out loud, quietly, to oneself.I appreciate anything which prompts me to relive formative experiences. For example, at one point the book jettisoned me to my experiences of teenage exuberance, full of future potential and expansiveness.This book strips away anthropomorphisms without lacking emotiveness. It describes the quality of polarity thus explaining away the destructive and conflicting ignorance of dualism. It is passionate whilst expressing the whole concept as a logical progression. It is mystical yet, as far as any spiritual text is concerned, strips away superstition. It gives explanations for its conclusions. It is powerful but speaks of power shared. It is gently derisive of the concept of “waking-up” (being woke) advocating instead for humanity to grow up and take actual responsibility. It is steeped in tradition and heritage but provocative as it adds a whole new concept to the tradition. It celebrates and honours the tradition whilst being dismissive of ethnocentricity.I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who wishes to be moved by the underpinnings of mystical (experiential) Judaic ideas of life, the universe, and everything. To see beyond their regular thought and sense perception to unite with notions of pure energy and stillness, thought and consolidation. To those who want to learn the underpinnings of western thought, both spiritual and rational, and to evangelical atheists who want something meaty (the author does not advocate meat-eating) to challenge.Criticism.There are a few typos and grammatical errors in this book which detract from the experience slightly. As the book has only just been released I expect it must be a first print error. Perhaps this edition will become a collector's item in time? oxford humanities23 May 2020 The Birth of God: Divine Magic This book is simply extraordinary. I read it again and again. It has opened up my prayer and mediation. It has helped me be the best version of myself I can be. It is a new and unique Ontology even if you have no background in the Tree Of Life. m dean9 March 2020 The Birth of God: Deep and beautifully written This is an incredibly deep and interesting book which is beautifully written and easy to understand. There are ideas in this book which I have never come across before and I have been reading books of a similar genre for over 30 years. Hopefully Anna Crowley will have a few more books to publish in the future.